Core Values
At Crossroads we are a family of Jesus-followers on a mission of love.
Our beliefs come from the teachings of the Bible. Our Core Values and how we view God, people, and all aspects of our faith is firmly rooted in scripture. See our Core Values below:

LOOKING UP as Jesus-Followers:
1. GOD-DIRECTED- we are empowered and led by God (1 Cor 2:4-5).
2. PRAYER is PRIMARY- for the work of God's people (Phil 4:6-7).
3. GOD'S WORD is FOUNDATIONAL- knowing and obeying it is essential to a life of meaning (Josh 1:8).

CONNECTING IN as a Healthy Spiritual Family:
4. LIFE of WORSHIP- all we are and have belongs to God (Rom 12:1-2).
5. HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS - characterized by love, authenticity and commitment across generations in the church, home and community (1 Cor 13).

REACHING OUT on a Mission of Love:
6. MULTIPLYING DISCIPLES - with holistic transformation from unbelief to belief through intentional relationships (Matt 28:18-20).
7. ENGAGING the LOST- people are important to God so we build missional bridges able to uphold the weight of the Gospel (Acts 1:8).


Our church is part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.  For more info on:

"Core Beliefs" check out: Beliefs of the C&MA

"Perspectives" on topics within the Christian Faith: C&MA Statements and Perspectives
(Throughout its 100-plus year history, the C&MA has always been known for its distinctive, scripturally grounded views on a number of topics held within the Christian faith.)



What it Means:
 •Water baptism was established by Jesus in connection with His Great Mission to the apostles. (Matt 28:19)

•Jesus said new disciples were to be baptized in the name of the Triune God.

•We believe this is a permanent practice for the church called an “ordinance.”

•Baptism followed repentance & faith in NT times. (Ex: Acts 2:38-41, 18:18)

•Those who’ve repented of sin & put faith in Jesus for eternal life are encouraged to take this step of obedience.

•In early times, baptisms were conducted in public places where loved ones could observe- as a public witness that the person was a Jesus-follower.

•Baptisms symbolize the believer’s union with Jesus (Rom. 6:3-4).

•Immersion symbolizes the end of the old life, and new life has begun. (Gal. 3:27, Acts 8:38-39)

•It’s an “outward sign of inward change.” 

Practical Advice:
 1.A potential individual should be old enough to understand the significance of baptism.

2.It’s not required for salvation, but it’s encouraged to follow Jesus here as a step of obedience.

3.Persons previously baptized as believers don’t need to be rebaptized.

4.When immersion isn’t possible, an alternate mode is acceptable. 

Want to be baptized? Let us know with this form and we will follow up with you: