!["HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE END TIMES"](https://dq5pwpg1q8ru0.cloudfront.net/2021/03/22/08/32/06/1cca8925-39df-46b8-9c56-8ae91f35b08e/end%20times.jpg)
We celebrated a beautiful morning looking forward with hopeful expectation of the return of Christ the King!
In our family time we discussed the upcoming PEAK Assessment survey to help our church move forward in clarity as God leads into this next season. The worship team sounded beautiful!
The preaching focused on "HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE END TIMES" from Luke 17 and 21.
In taking a closer look at the return of Christ through these passages (as well as Matthew 24 and 2 Peter 3:8-13), we determined that we can LIVE ready by:
- -Living like Christ
- -Witnessing about Christ
- -Embracing Victory in Christ
How might you keep your eye on Jesus and live in the moment with a sense of urgency?