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To EQUIP current disciples (and potential future lay leaders) from multiple South Jersey churches to be Christlike, disciple-making apprentices of Jesus.


To facilitate learning and growth in Christlikeness among Jesus’ disciples- in an equipping and sending school for the South Jersey region and beyond.


  • The Discipleship School of South Jersey (DSSJ) is an equipping and sending school, focused on facilitating growth and learning of Jesus' disciples.
  • We have a three-pronged approach:
    • Truth anchored to the Bible;
    • Community- a gathering place and ongoing small groups discussions where authentic, loving & supportive relationships can develop life-on-life;
    • Practice- a culture of intentionally practicing spiritual disciplines as outlined in God's Word to shape our beliefs and behaviors 
  • The school is scheduled to meet once a month on a Saturday (after the initial "One-Day" Intro in the Fall of 2024) in a large in-person group setting where teachers from regional church bodies in a collaborative effort with the DSSJ vision and mission, will facilitate a year-long syllabus.
  • In addition, students will be assigned a small group to practice biblical truth and community together throughout each month. 
  • We believe the Lord will enable the school to build up His church in South Jersey, which will also result in many more lost people coming to new life in Christ. 


  • Anchored in Biblical Truth         (Hebrews 4:12)
  • Culture of Practice                      (James 1:22)
  • Authentic Community                (John 17, Acts 4:32)
  • Boldness & Courage                   (Acts 4:29)
  • Innovation & Compassion          (Ephesians 4:32)
  • Rest Found                                  (Matthew 11:27, Psalm 23:5)
  • Large & Small Group Approach (Matthew 5:1, 10:1, Acts 2:42-47)   
  • Cross-Generational                     (Psalm 79:13)



Date Session 1: Content Session 2: Spiritual Formation Session 3: Application
10/12 or 9/28 Jesus: Who is He? Our Identity in Christ Devotional Life/Spiritual Disciplines
1/11 God the Father (Pentateuch) Holy Love of God & Family Wounds Inductive Bible Study/Hermeneutics 101
2/8 Theology (Romans) Repentance Stewardship of Time, Talent, Treasure (the Body?)
3/8 Old Testament Survey 1 Voice of God, Listening Prayer Calling and Character
4/12 People of God Forgiveness Shepherding Care/Body Care/Soul Care
5/10 Old Testament Survey 2 Fears Evangelism & Mission
6/14 New Testament Survey The "One-Anothers" of Scripture Disciplemaking
9/13 Life of Christ Spiritual Rhythms/Habits/Disciplines Revisited Teaching Others 101
10/11 Holy Spirit Deliverance Gifts for Mission
11/8 People of God 2 Putting it Together Leadership & Authority