In a time and place where people are so divided, God's answer for unity is the Gospel as shared by His Body: The Church. On Sunday, we studied together God's design for a Unified Church to reach a hurting world. He has:
-GIFTED 5 different leaders with the Word (v11)
(ground-breaking Apostles, word-taking Prophets, bridge-building Evangelists, people-watching Shepherds, and wisdom-sharing Teachers)
-TO EQUIP all parts of His Body… (v12)
-UNTIL we all: Know God & Mature in Likeness (vv13-14)
-BY Speaking the Truth in Love… (v15)
-WE BUILD Ourselves up in Love. (v16)
a few Action Steps to consider:
-LEARN- do you know what spiritual gifts God has given you to share?
-LISTEN- do you listen to people of different gifts like outlined in v11?
-LEAN- do you love people well?