Our gathering yesterday centered on Loving Others from 1 John 3. We enjoyed some special elements including a special music by our very own Tanya Roberts singing "Here I Am Lord."
After our gathering, we had our first "Align: Crossroads Connection" meetup. It was a wonderful time of laughter and discussion from individuals who've come to Crossroads through various means and times. We certainly are grateful for our church: past, present and future! We'd love to have you join us next month 6/27.
We also enjoyed a beautiful time of worship together and celebrate new members engaging on our worship team.
The sermon focused on "You KNOW You're Right with God if..."
-"...You have a life of love..." (1 John 3:10-15)
-"...You have a life of love in deed." (1 John 3:16-18)
Action steps included:
1) contemplating John's Test to know if you're a Christian (including Doctrinal, Spiritual, Ethical, and Relational implications)
2) asking the Lord if He wants you to step out in faith-filled love in action
Nuts and Bolts:
-As we grow, so has our Sunday internet usage. We are addressing any tech issues you may have experienced online. The video here is Part 2 of the service. If you'd like Part 1, we can send it to you or you can find it on our YouTube channel.
-Air Conditioning is coming for future hot weeks.