As we continued our weekly discussion on "Family Values" from Luke's account of Jesus' life... we had a powerful Sunday!
One highlight included a Spirit-led time of singing "Surrounded (Fight My Battles)" together. Nothing like praising the Lord together!
We studied how Jesus went after his mission by multiplying disciples. In the Great Galilean Ministry (chapters 5-9 of Luke), we see how intentional Jesus was in identifying and developing individuals' heads, hearts, and hands for ministry.
Main points include how He:
1. Cast wide net of Good News but identify select Ready Hearts (Luke 8:4-15)
2. Called them to Apprenticeship (Luke 5:1-11, 27-32)
3. Got Their Hands Dirty (9:1-17)
4. Transformed them from Unbelief to Belief in all Areas.
He has called us to a life of discipleship and discipling. How are you joining Him in this? Anything holding you back? Let's go together!