A Life of Worship sets us free from a life of control.
In this life, we are all tempted to control things and cling to them for hope, only to find that they are clinging to and controling us. Jesus teaches us to "Be Ready" for Him. How do we do that? It's about being set free...
After looking at the Parable in Luke 12:35-48, we studied these principles:
1. Don’t fear people, trust God. (12:4-7)
2. Be rich toward God, not material stuff. (vv16-21)
3. Seek God’s Kingdom first because He’s got you! (vv22-31)
4. Store your treasure in Heaven, not earth. (vv31-34)
Will you trust Jesus today and take a trust fall into His arms? Let's leave the comforts of a lesser life and burn the ships behind us.