Sunday's gathering was a beautiful time of worship, fellowship and learning.
Dan and Ashlyn Margulis lead us in a time of prayer and singing focused on the Holiness of God.
Our teaching focused on "How does God guide us?" Our seventh and final Family Value from the life of Christ as seen in the Gospel of Luke is being "God-directed." Jesus taught us in Luke 11 that God has given His children the great gift of a relational journey with the Holy Spirit. As we let the Spirit lives in us, He empowers us and guides us in ways such as:
1. The Bible (John 16:13)
2. Prayer (James 1:5)
3. Godly Counsel (Proverbs 12:15)
4. Circumstantial Signs (Proverbs 16:9)
5. Clear Mind (2 Timothy 1:7)
As church leadership we pursue the Lord, utilizing these signs in our journey. How might you do the same for your personal journey? As you influence your family/friends?
-Is the Holy Spirit in the driver's seat of your life?
-How might that affect decisions you have to make with work/school, relationships, health, etc?